O Tailor!
Can you stitch my heart ?
It’s been torn apart
And shakes violently
Even with the gentle breeze.
The first time it’s ripped open
When she left me
Without a word
As in winter, leaves leave a tree.
I patched it somehow
But the wound is still raw
And can be easily seen.
It was even worse the second time.
It bled badly
When suspicion-snake was born
And mutual trust was crushed to dust
Among my countrymen
Healing such a wound
And mending such a deep breach
Was still on
When it broke the third time.
This time
It’s been shattered like hell
Every piece torn apart had something to tell
Distrust and destruction
Democratic despair and detention –
One person afraid of the other person.
I can treat a scorpion sting,
A cobra-bite,
Even people struck by lightening
But I cannot heal man-biting.
My heart’s ripped open
O Tailor!
Could you please stitch it
And put it in working order?